How does autodiscover work.

The autodiscover functionality works as follows:

  • Enter you mailbox name like <username>@<domainname> (john@example.com)
  • Enter username and/or domainname.
  • Press “Perform autodiscovery”
  • The add-on will now try to access the following URLs to find the autodiscover settings:
    • https://<domainname>/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc
    • https://autodiscover.<domainname>/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc
    • http://autodiscover.<domainname>/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc
    • https://<domainname>/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
    • https://autodiscover.<domainname>/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
    • http://autodiscover.<domainname>/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
  • If the autodiscover is succesfull it will show the right EWS URL and display name.
  • If something goes wrong the following errors will be shown
    • “Hostname part of mailbox is not valid (john@example.com)”. This means the add-on could not connect to one of the previous specified URL based on the given mailbox name.
  • Autodiscovery will not work in this case. Try to get the Server URL from or IT administration.
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