Offline cache synchronization is now working

In the today released beta 3.2.0-Beta67 the last fix for full offline cache synchronization has been implemented.

The add-on is now following the exchange server for all changes. These changes are completely synchronized and when you have offline cache active the offline cache is kept up to date.

Because in the past the offline cache could get out of sync you have to create a new offline cache. Do this as follows:

  • Disable offline cache for every Exchange calendar you have. Right click on the calendar name and select properties.
  • Uncheck the checkbox before exchange-cache.
  • Restart Thunderbird.
  • Tunr on offline cache again. Right click on the calendar name and select properties.
  • Check the checkbox before exchange-cache. It will now sync the memory cache to the offline cache. This can take some time and the window will freeze.

Please report bugs on the bugzilla: https://www.1st-setup.nl/bugzilla

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