Ever wanted to process infrared commands in your nodejs program. Now this is possible using the famous lirc interface on operating systems supporting lirc.
Try the lirc_client nodejs module:
npm install lirc_client
Or download the sources from github: https://github.com/1stsetup/node-lirc_client
It will require nodejs version >= 0.10.0 and to compile it you need the development files/packages of lirc.
When you see issues with it please post them to https://github.com/1stsetup/node-lirc_client/issues
Following is an example of the code
var lirc_client = require('lirc_client'); try { var client = new lirc_client.client("clienttest", true); client.on("data", function(data) { console.log("Received data from lirc:",data); client.close(); }); client.on("closed", function() { console.log("Lirc daemon closed our connection. We need to reconnect."); }); console.log("client.isConnected:", client.isConnected); console.log("client.mode:", client.mode); } catch (err) { console.log("Error on new client:",err); }